The packages used in this vignette are:


Variable Class Conversion

rtables requires that split variables to be factors. When you try and split a variable that isn’t, a warning message will appear. Here we purposefully convert the SEX variable to character to demonstrate what happens when we try splitting the rows by this variable. To fix this, df_explict_na will convert this to a factor resulting in the table being generated.

adsl <- tern_ex_adsl
adsl$SEX <- as.factor(adsl$SEX)

vars <- c("AGE", "SEX", "RACE", "BMRKR1")
var_labels <- c(
  "Age (yr)",
  "Continous Level Biomarker 1"

result <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
  split_cols_by(var = "ARM") %>%
  add_overall_col("All Patients") %>%
    vars = vars,
    var_labels = var_labels
  ) %>%
#>                                                A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination   All Patients
#>                                                 (N=69)        (N=73)          (N=58)         (N=200)   
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> Age (yr)                                                                                               
#>   n                                               69            73              58             200     
#>   Mean (SD)                                   34.1 (6.8)    35.8 (7.1)      36.1 (7.4)      35.3 (7.1) 
#>   Median                                         32.8          35.4            36.2            34.8    
#>   Min - Max                                   22.4 - 48.0   23.3 - 57.5    23.0 - 58.3     22.4 - 58.3 
#> Sex                                                                                                    
#>   n                                               69            73              58             200     
#>   F                                           38 (55.1%)    40 (54.8%)      32 (55.2%)      110 (55%)  
#>   M                                           31 (44.9%)    33 (45.2%)      26 (44.8%)       90 (45%)  
#> Race                                                                                                   
#>   n                                               69            73              58             200     
#>   ASIAN                                       38 (55.1%)    43 (58.9%)       29 (50%)       110 (55%)  
#>   BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN                   15 (21.7%)    13 (17.8%)      12 (20.7%)       40 (20%)  
#>   WHITE                                       11 (15.9%)    12 (16.4%)       11 (19%)        34 (17%)  
#>   AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE             4 (5.8%)      3 (4.1%)       6 (10.3%)       13 (6.5%)  
#>   MULTIPLE                                     1 (1.4%)      1 (1.4%)           0             2 (1%)   
#>   NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER        0         1 (1.4%)           0            1 (0.5%)  
#>   OTHER                                            0             0              0               0      
#>   UNKNOWN                                          0             0              0               0      
#> Continous Level Biomarker 1                                                                            
#>   n                                               69            73              58             200     
#>   Mean (SD)                                    6.3 (3.6)     6.7 (3.5)      6.2 (3.3)       6.4 (3.5)  
#>   Median                                          5.4           6.3            5.4             5.6     
#>   Min - Max                                   0.4 - 17.8    1.0 - 18.5      2.4 - 19.1      0.4 - 19.1

Including Missing Values in rtables

Here we purposefully convert all M values to NA in the SEX variable. After running df_explicit_na the NA values are encoded as <Missing> but they are not included in the table. As well, the missing values are not included in the n count and they are not included in the denominator value for calculating the percent values.

adsl <- tern_ex_adsl
adsl$SEX[adsl$SEX == "M"] <- NA
adsl <- df_explicit_na(adsl)

vars <- c("AGE", "SEX")
var_labels <- c(
  "Age (yr)",

result <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
  split_cols_by(var = "ARM") %>%
  add_overall_col("All Patients") %>%
    vars = vars,
    var_labels = var_labels
  ) %>%
#>                A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination   All Patients
#>                 (N=69)        (N=73)          (N=58)         (N=200)   
#> ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————