Use ezplot to quickly create presentation-ready charts that are also useful for exploratory data analysis. By default, ezplot functions aggregate multiple values of y for repeated categories of x, group, facet_y and facet_x.
library(ezplot) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tsibble)) library(tsibbledata) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(lubridate))
line_plot(ansett, x = "Week", y = "Passengers")
line_plot(ansett, x = "Week", y = "Passengers", group = "Class")
df = ansett %>% filter(between(year(Week), 1988, 1991)) bar_plot(df, x = "year(Week)", y = "Passengers")
bar_plot(df, x = "year(Week)", y = "Passengers", group = "Class")