This document describes the use of the functions included in the
conStruct package for visualizing analysis outputs. For more information
on how to run a conStruct
analysis, see the companion
vignette for running conStruct.
Throughout, this vignette will make use of the example data output
objects generated by a conStruct
If the make.figs
is set to TRUE
in a
run, the run will finish by calling the function
. As the name implies, this function
makes all the relevant plots from a set of conStruct results:
More information is available in the documentation for the function, which you can view using the command:
If you deleted the output plots from an analysis, or if you set
to avoid making them in the
first place, you can make them by calling the
function. The arguments you have to
specify are a conStruct.results
output object and a
output object, both of which are automatically
generated and saved when you execute a conStruct
You must also specify a prefix
, which will be prepended to
all output pdf file names. If you choose, you can specify a the colors
you want each layer to be plotted in; if none are specified, the
function will use its own internal vector of colors, which I think look
nice but are otherwise arbitrary.
An example call to make.all.the.plots
using the example
output data objects loaded above is shown below.
Generally, users are most interested in the estimated admixture proportions for each sample. These are commonly visualized using STRUCTURE plots and pie plots. Functions for both are included in the package, and their use is detailed below.
Probably the most common method for visualizing admixture proportions
is using a stacked bar plot (commonly called a STRUCTURE plot after the
model-based clustering method STRUCTURE
Users can generate a STRUCTURE plot for their data using the command
, (see documentation at
). This function takes as its
principal argument the estimated admixture proportions and makes a
STRUCTURE plot in the plotting window. An example is given below.
First, we load the conStruct.results
data output object
and, for convenience, assign the maximum a posteriori admixture
parameter estimates to a variable with a shorter name:
# assign the MAP admixture proportions from
# the first MCMC chain to a variable
# with a new name
admix.props <- conStruct.results$chain_1$MAP$admix.proportions
Now we can visualize the results:
# make a STRUCTURE plot using the
# maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates
# from the first chain of a conStruct run
make.structure.plot(admix.proportions = admix.props)
The function also includes a variety of options for tweaking the order of the plotted samples.
# re-order the stacking order of the layers
make.structure.plot(admix.proportions = admix.props,
layer.order = c(2,1,3), = 2)
# provide a custom sample ordering
# in this case by sample latitude
make.structure.plot(admix.proportions = admix.props,
sample.order = order(data.block$coords[,2]))
# add sample names
make.structure.plot(admix.proportions = admix.props,
sample.names = row.names(data.block$coords),
mar = c(4.5,4,2,2))
It is often also useful to visualize estimated admixture proportions
in a spatial context by plotting them on a map. The most common way to
do this is to plot a pie plot at the sampling location of each sample,
in which each modeled layer gets its own slice of the pie
wedges), and the size of each slice in the pie is
proportional to the sample’s admixture proportion in that layer.
Users can make an admixture pie plot with their own data using the
command make.admix.pie.plot
(see documentation at
. This function takes as its
principal arguments the estimated admixture proportions and the sample
coordinates, then makes an admixture pie plot in the plotting window. An
example is given below:
# make an admix pie plot using the
# maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates
# from the first chain of a conStruct run
make.admix.pie.plot(admix.proportions = admix.props,
coords = data.block$coords)
# increase pie chart size
make.admix.pie.plot(admix.proportions = admix.props,
coords = data.block$coords,
radii = 4)
# zoom in on a subsection of the map
make.admix.pie.plot(admix.proportions = admix.props,
coords = data.block$coords,
x.lim = c(-130,-120),
y.lim = c(49,56))
Users can also add the pie plot directly to a map of their own
creation using the make.admix.pie.plot
by setting the
argument to TRUE
. E.g.,
# add pie plot to an existing map
# make the desired map
maps::map(xlim = range(data.block$coords[,1]) + c(-5,5), ylim = range(data.block$coords[,2])+c(-2,2), col="gray")
# add the admixture pie plot
make.admix.pie.plot(admix.proportions = admix.props,
coords = data.block$coords,
add = TRUE)
If you’ve run multiple conStruct
analyses you may want
to visually compare them. Although you could always just open up both
sets of output pdfs, label-switching between independent runs can make
visual comparisons difficult. Label-switching different models have the
same, or very similar, estimated admixture proportions, but with a
different permutation of layer labels (e.g., Layer 1 in run 1, and Layer
3 in run 2). To enable easy comparison between a pair of
runs, you can use the function
To do so, you need to specify to sets of
output R objects, as well as the
objects associated with each run. Independent
runs with the same model can be compared, as can analyses run with
different models (e.g., spatial vs. nonspatial) or different values of
. The only restriction is that if the user is comparing
two models run with different values of K
, the run with the
smaller value should be specified first
). Documentation for
can be found using the command
. Example usage is shown below:
# load output files from a run with
# the spatial model and K=4
# assign to new variable names
spK4_cr <- conStruct.results
spK4_db <- data.block
# load output files from a run with
# the spatial model and K=3
# assign to new variable names
spK3_cr <- conStruct.results
spK3_db <- data.block
# compare the two runs
# generates a bunch of pdf figures