A rápido and lightweight method to compute Polygenic Risk Scores.
Last update: 2024-09-30
Current version: 2.3.1
This package allows to quickly (rápido is Spanish for “fast”) compute polygenic scores (PGS) from case-control or quantitative trait GWAS summary statistic datasets, without the need of an external validation dataset.
You can find a description of the ideas behind RápidoPGS, as well as technical details in our Bioinformatics paper:
Note: Due to changes in dependencies, the
in version 2.3.0 may not work. While we
push a new version to CRAN, please feel free to use the development
version from GitHub. Apologies for the inconvenience.
In version 2.3.0, we updated the rapidopgs_multi()
and gwascat.download()
functions. For
, we udpated it to accomodate changes on
susieR. Now sample
size is required for all files, and the pi_i
argument has
been deprecated. We also opened the possibility to apply RápidoPGS to
non-European ancestries. For gwascat.download()
, we updated
the method, which wasn’t working anymore to extract data from GWAS
catalog. It now works interactively, providing the users advice on which
file to choose. We also updated the hg38 LD blocks file, as it was
updated in its original repository.
In version 2.2.0, we updated hg38 LD blocks from liftovered Berisa & Pickrell to recomputed MacDonald et al. 2022 (https://github.com/jmacdon/LDblocks_GRCh38, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.03.04.483057v1).
In development version we fixed a bug derived from
automatically supplying “nref” to SuSIE in
, which is no longer required.
In development version we fixed a change in the hard-coded url to download 1000G panel from the official server to meet a change in versioning (v5a -> v5b) at the source.
In development version we fixed a bug caused by
changes in behavior of runsusie()
that used to supply an extra zero element
which is not supplied anymore.
In development version we fixed an error popping up
when rapidopgs_multi()
is not supplied input of data.table
class, and removed a deprecated argument in runsusie()
internal function that was preventing rapidopgs_multi()
run properly.
In development version we fixed a change in the hard-coded url to download 1000G panel from the official server to meet a change in versioning for sex chromosomes at the source.
In version 2.1.0 we added a functionality to
, which now allows users to use their own
LD matrices instead of computing them on the go from a reference panel.
For European datasets, we recommend downloading UK Biobank LD matrices
kindly provided by Privé et al., which can be accessed here.
RápidoPGS (2.3.0) is now available on CRAN. You can install it by typing the code below.
There’s also a development version, that can be installed from GitHub.
RápidoPGS has some dependencies that aren’t available directly from CRAN, so must be installed a bit differently.
package is a Bioconductor package. Please
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Full documentation and vignettes are available on the website (click on the cat if you’re at the GitHub repo).