Accessing Brazil Central Bank Data via API


This simple library allows users to access Brazil Central Bank (BACEN) data by interacting with its API. The library consists of three main R scripts that work together:

  1. Bacen_URL: Generates the URL where the data is available.
  2. Bacen_API: Connects with the BACEN API, extracts the requested information, and converts it to a readable format.
  3. Bacen_Form: A user-friendly form that gathers necessary input for data extraction.

This README provides a detailed guide on how to use each function.



This function generates the URL for accessing BACEN data by specifying three arguments: - series: The series code. - star_date: The start date. - end_date: The end date.

Important Notes


# Generate URL for IPCA series from 01/01/2003 to 31/12/2023
ipca_br_url <- bacen_url(433, '01/01/2003', '31/12/2023')

# Output


[1] ""



This function connects to the BACEN API using either the httr or httr2 package. It internally verifies the HTTP status code (e.g., 200 for success, 400/404 for failure) and retries up to three times if the initial connection fails.



# URL for IPCA series
ipca_br_url <- bacen_url(433, '01/01/2003', '31/12/2023')

# Access API data
data <- bacen_api(url = ipca_br_url, httr = TRUE)

# Display results

Sample Output:

         data valor
1  01/01/2003  2.25
2  01/02/2003  1.57
3  01/03/2003  1.23
4  01/04/2003  0.97
5  01/05/2003  0.61
6  01/06/2003 -0.15



This script interacts with the user to gather information necessary for data extraction. The steps are as follows:

  1. Prompt the user to input the series code and a short name for each series.
  2. Ask whether additional series should be specified.
  3. Prompt for the start and end dates.

The information gathered is stored in variables representing series codes, names, and date intervals.


While this example directly sets variables for demonstration purposes, you should use Bacen_Form interactively in your R console.

Combining All Functions


This example demonstrates the integration of all scripts to extract data for four variables: - Price Index and Economic Activity Index for Brazil and CearĂ¡. - Codes: 433, 24364, 13005, 25391. - Names: ipca_br, ipca_for, ibc_br, ibcr_ce. - Date interval: 01/01/2003 to 31/12/2023.

# Access API data with multiple series
# Assume the user provides the following information during execution
data  <- bacen_form()

# Display results

Sample Output:

         data ipca_br ipca_for ibc_br ibcr_ce
1  01/01/2003    2.25     2.04 100.46  101.28
2  01/02/2003    1.57     2.04 102.12  100.92
3  01/03/2003    1.23     0.66 101.72  100.19
4  01/04/2003    0.97     1.59 101.08  100.41
5  01/05/2003    0.61     1.17  99.97  100.25
6  01/06/2003   -0.15    -0.22 100.14  101.38
